Front-End Developer
Passionate about building fluid advanced responsive grid and pixel-perfect.
Focused in
React Javascript
4 years working with React JS, Typescript, NextJS, Custom Hook, Storybook UI, Styled-components, Tailwind, Css, Scss.
Excellent HTML and CSS knowledge, naming convention like BEM, SMACSS, CSS Modules, CSS-in-JSS, flexbox, CSS-grid, SCSS, animations, transitions, mixings. Developing cross-browser.
9 years of commercial experience as front-end developer for brands as Decathlon, Hawes & Curtis, Ghost, Finery London and WhatsOnChain.
Creative and graduated in graphic design in 2003. Aadvanced skill in UX Design, Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, Flash, After Effects.
- React Javascript, Typescript, NextJS, Custom Hook, Styled-Components, Storybook
- Web Developer
- Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma, In Design
- Graphic Designer
- After Effects, Animate, Flash
- Animations