Bruna JS


Front-End Developer

Passionate about building fluid advanced responsive grid and pixel-perfect.

Focused in

React Javascript

4 years working with React JS, Typescript, NextJS, Custom Hook, Storybook UI, Styled-components, Tailwind, Css, Scss.

Excellent HTML and CSS knowledge, naming convention like BEM, SMACSS, CSS Modules, CSS-in-JSS, flexbox, CSS-grid, SCSS, animations, transitions, mixings. Developing cross-browser.

9 years of commercial experience as front-end developer for brands as Decathlon, Hawes & Curtis, Ghost, Finery London and WhatsOnChain.

Creative and graduated in graphic design in 2003. Aadvanced skill in UX Design, Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, Flash, After Effects.

React Javascript, Typescript, NextJS, Custom Hook, Styled-Components, Storybook
Web Developer
Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma, In Design
Graphic Designer
After Effects, Animate, Flash